
Expert swim instruction for all ages

King Swimmers is operated by the former National Director of SwimAmerica, Coach Karen King. Karen is a certified coach, with over 30 years of success in competitive swimming. For 15 years she ran the largest baby swim program in Broward County. Karen still consults with coaches who are developing young swimmers and swim schools throughout the US who want to develop successful baby & toddler swim programs.

It's never too early or too late to learn to swim!


Coach Karen King

King Swimmers Founder & Owner

With King Swimmers you get:
Concierge swim services for Palm Beach and Broward County.
Convenient scheduling at your home or community pool.
Experts in water safety and survival techniques.
The highest quality instruction for over 30 years.
Individually customized lessons plans for all.
Locally owned and operated by a professional swim coach.


Quickly build water safety and fundamental swim skills.


Learn all four competitive swim strokes.

Fitness swimmers

Get stroke work and fitness training.

Competitive swimmers

Personal coaching in stroke, turns, starts and racing.


Quickly build water safety and fundamental swim skills.


Learn all four competitive swim strokes.

Fitness swimmers

Get stroke work and fitness training.

Competitive swimmers

Personal coaching in stroke, turns, starts and racing.

Your Pool + Our Expert Coaches = Peace of Mind

We focus on water safety and survival skills first. Then turn to stroke training.
We are on a mission to provide the highest quality water safety and swim instruction.
Our coaches are certified by the prestigious American Swimming Coaches Association.
Our expertise is in both water safety and in teaching children to swim well.

Making great swimmers everyday!

Making great swimmers everyday!

Simple skills will save a child's life

Children who can swim well understand their limitations in water. Learning how to rollover into a back float along with proper body positioning prevents exhaustion while swimming. Simple skills like extended back floating are life saving in a water emergency.

People drown everyday
People drown each year

Most drownings are preventable

Every year the news is peppered with devastating stories about parents who lost children or
families who lost loved ones who drowned. You never think it will happen to you, but that’s
what everyone who experienced it thought, too. The truth is that most drownings are
preventable, but you have to understand the facts and know how to prevent a drowning from

No one is drown-proof, and drowning doesn’t discriminate.
Drowning is fast and silent.
It can happen in as little as 20-60 seconds.
Drowning doesn’t always look like what we would expect.
For more information stopdrowningnow.org

Coach Karen’s Achievements

Founding member of Broward Counties Swim Central Program
Founding member of Water Smart Babies Program in Broward County
Author of Adapted Aquatics Course for the State of Florida
3x recognized by Who’s Who in American Aquatics
Founding Board Member of International Swim Coaches Association
International speaker for the Learn to Swim Industry